Isotope Science / Alfa Chemistry

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Deuterated Poly(methyl methacrylate-d6)

Catalog Number ACM63541797-1
CAS 63541-79-7
Structure Structure
Solubility Deuterated poly(methyl methacrylate)-d6 is soluble in THF, CHCl3, toluene and dioxane. The polymer precipitates from hexanes, methanol and ethanol.
Characterization The molecular weight and polydispersity index (PDI) are obtained by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) in THF. SEC analysis was performed on a Varian liquid chromatograph equipped with refractive and UV light scattering detectors.
Glass Transition Temperature 79℃
Packaging 0.5g, 1g, 2g, 5g
Synthesis Procedure Deuterated deuterated methyl α- deuterated methacrylate)-d6 is obtained by living anionic polymerization using sec.BuLi as initiator end capped with a unit of diphenyl ethylene.
Unlabeled CAS 9011-14-7
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